Address: Sommerhaldenstrasse 5A, CH-5200 Brugg, Switzerland,
Tel. +41/(0)56/4413518; Handy +41/(0)76/4074463.
I am German origin and was born November 26, 1937. Place of birth: Neu-Sarata (Bessarabia). I studied Nuclear Chemistry Engineering at the Technical University Dresden (Diploma Thesis 1961). PhD: Lomonossow University, Moscow (1965). DSc: Technical University Dresden (1984, German degree: Dr. rer. nat. habil.). My profile was taken 2010. |
(1) at the German Academy of Sciences, Central Institute of Nuclear Research, Rossendorf near Dresden: Scientist (1965-66);
Group Leader (1966-75); Head of Department (1975-87).
(2) at the Paul Scherrer Institute,
Villigen, Switzerland: Project Manager (1990-2004).
(3) Lecturer at the German Academy of Sciences and at the Technical High School Zittau, Germany (1975, 1979).
(4) Referee/supervisor of diploma and PhD thesis work at the Technical University
Membership in international councils of scientific expertise:
(1) Council of Mutual Economic Aid: Scientific-Technological Coordination Council on Fuel Reprocessing and Waste Disposal, 1971-87;
(2) Nuclear Fuel Industry Research (NFIR) Group (managed by Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, USA): Fuel Cladding Projects Advisory Group (1997-2004).
Scientific Journals Cooperation:
(1) Member
of the Editorial Board of the Journal "ISRN Corrosion"
(2) Referee of the Journal "Nuclear Engineering and Design".
Fields of Scientific Work:
1960-1988: Nuclear Analytics
extraction; extraction chromatography; co-precipitation;
ion chromatography; mass-, gamma-, alpha-spectrometry;
burn-up determination).
1990-: Fuel Rod Investigations (fuel performance; cladding corrosion; cladding mechanical
properties degradation due to irradiation and hydriding).
One son Kay-Geert Armin Hermann, born January 25, 1972, from marriage with Christine Hermann (MD, maiden name: Seidel). Divorce 1981.
Kay-Geert Armin Hermann Family: Kay-Geert Armin Hermann (MD, Prof.)
and Sandra Hermann (MD, maiden name: Schuchardt) with sons Friedrich Peter Hermann, born December 24, 2002, and Robert Armin Hermann, born August 13, 2004
Hermann Family
Main Scientific Publications/Lectures
(Co-authors in parentheses)
1. "Extraction of zirconium by di-n-butylphosphoric acid", Diploma Thesis, Technical University
Dresden, 1961
2. "On the extraction of zirconium from solutions of perchloric acid by di-n-butylphosphoric acid",
Chem. Technik 14 (1962) 122 (H. Grosse-Ruyken) [Paper at the "General Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society in the German Democratic Republik 1961]
3. "Investigations into the extraction mechanism of dibutylphosphoric
acid extraction of zirconium and niobium",
Proc. Symposium "Theory and Structure of Complex Compounds", Wroclaw, Poland, 1962, p. 467 (H.Grosse-Ruyken, H. Krug, J. Alexandrow)
4. "Attaining equilibrium between crystalline phase and liquid using an electrochemical method"
Vestnik Moscovscogo Universiteta, 1964, No. 6, Ser. II, p. 29 (N.B.
Mikheev, V.I. Spitzyn)
5. "Investigation into cocrystallization of alkaline earth elements with hydrophosphates of strontium and barium using an electrochemical method of attaining equilibrium", PhD Thesis, Lomonossow University Moscow, 1965
6. "On the possibility of equilibrium disturbance in a heterogeneous system
containing a microcomponent caused by recrystallization of the solid phase", Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR 165 (1965) 147 (N.B. Mikheev, V.I. Spitzyn, A.B. Malinin)
7. "Thermodynamic
investigation into the distribution of micro amounts of strontium between barium phosphate and solution",
Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR 166 (1966) 658 ( V.I. Spitzyn, N.B.
8. "Purification of matter using the method of washing a micro component out of a precipitate of low solubility",
Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR 171
(1966) 119 (V.I. Spitzyn, N.B. Mikheev, , I.A. Rumer)
9. "A new method for accelerating attaining equilibrium between a crystalline phase and solution",
Zh. neorg. chim. 11
(1966) 195 ( V.I. Spitzyn, N.B. Mikheev)
10. "Determination of solubility constants of calcium, strontium and barium hydrophos- phates",
Vestnik Moscovscogo Universiteta, 1966,
No. 6, Ser. II, p. 85 (V.I. Spitzyn, N.B. Mikheev)
11. "Investigation into coprecipitation processes using a new method of attaining equilibrium between a solid crystalline phase and solution ", Paper at the "Workshop on Applied
Radioactivity" Leipzig, Oct. 11-14, 1966 (N.B. Mikheev, V.I. Spitzyn)
12. "On a new method of attaining equilibrium between a solid crystalline phase and solution and its use for investigating cocrystallization of alkaline earth metals
with secondary phosphates of strontium and barium",
Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 350 (1967) 92 (N.B. Mikheev, V.I. Spitzyn)
13. "Thermodynamic investigation
of the solid solution SrHPO4-BaHPO4",
Radiokhimiya 11 (1969) 621 (V.I. Spitzyn, N.B. Mikheev)
14. "Thermodynamic investigation of the distribution of a micro
component between a solid solution of two macro components and solution demonstrated on the example of cocrystallization of calcium with solid solution SrHPO4-BaHPO4",
Radiokhimiya 11
(1969) 626 (N.B. Mikheev, V.I. Spitzyn)
15. "Experience in developing and applying destructive radiochemical methods of burnup determination",
Proc. 2nd CMEA Symposium "Investigations in the Field of Fuel Reprocessing", Marianske
Lazne, May 10-14, 1971, v. II, p. 150 (L. Baraniak)
16. "Sorption of micro amounts of zirconium and niobium on ammonium molybdatophosphate",
Isotopenpraxis 8
(1972) 106 (L. Baraniak)
17. "On the separation of radiocesium from irradiated nuclear fuels by ion exchange on ammonium molybdatophosphate",
Isotopenpraxis 9
(1973) 312 (L. Baraniak)
18. "Developing laboratory methods for destructive radiochemical burnup analysis",
ZfK-257 (1973) (L. Baraniak) [Report of the Central Institute of Nuclear Research]
19. "Destructive
burnup determination - methods and trends", Kernenergie 16 (1973) 362
20. "Investigation of some chromatographic supports for extraction chromatography of uranium
and fission products with tributylphosphate",
J. Radioanalyt. Chem. 21 (1974) 135 (S. Hübener) [Paper at the 7th Radiochemical Conference, Marianske Lazne, April 24-28,
21. "Extraction chromatographic separation of uranium, plutonium and fission products",
J. Radioanalyt. Chem. 21 (1974) 157 (S. Hübener) [Paper
at the 7th Radiochemical Conference, Marianske Lazne, April 24-28, 1973]
22. "Investigations into the separation of uranium and plutonium from solutions of nuclear fuel by extraction chromatography",
Isotopenpraxis 10 (1974) 62 (S. Hübener, R. Dreyer)
23. "Separation and determination of Sr-90 in spent nuclear fuel", Proc. 3rd CMEA Symposium "Investigations in the Field of
Fuel Reprocessing", Marianske Lazne, April 22-26, 1974, v. III, p. 18 (I. Katzwinkel)
24. "Determination of plutonium after its separation from uranium and fission products", J. Radioanalyt. Chem. 28 (1975) 133 (D. Nebel, S. Trebeljahr) [Paper at the Meeting "Nuclear Analytical Methods 1975", Dresden, May 12-15, 1975]
25. "Destructive burnup determination on fuel rods of the Rossendorf research
reactor WWRS",
Kernenergie 18 (1975) 157 (L. Baraniak, S. Hübener, I. Katzwinkel, R. Legler) [also: Proc. 3rd CMEA Symposium "Investigations in the Field of Fuel Reprocessing",
Marianske Lazne, April 22-26, 1974, v. III, p.8]
26. "Precision of burnup determinations of fuel rods and assemblies in the combined application of destructive and non-destructive methods", ZfK-312 (1976) p. 23
Baraniak, S. Hübener, H. Graber, G. Hofmann, H.-C. Mehner, S. Nagel, H. Günther) [Report of the Central Institute of Nuclear Research]
27. "Experience in destructive burnup determination of reactor fuel rods", Isotopenpraxis
12 (1976) 277 (L. Baraniak, S. Hübener, D. Nebel, U. Niese, S. Trebeljahr) [Paper at the Meeting "Nuclear Analytical Methods 1975", Dresden, May 12-15, 1975]
28. "Investigation
into burnup of fuel rods and assemblies of nuclear power plant Rheinsberg by combined application of destructive and non-destructive methods", Paper at the CMEA Meeting "Experience in Commissioning and Commercial Use of Reactor Installations of the
WWER Type", Rheinsberg/Neuglobsow, March 23-26, 1976 (H. Graber, L. Baraniak, H. Günther, G. Hofman, S. Hübener, H.-C. Mehner, S. Nagel)
29. "Preparing and performing investigations into burnup and materials conditions of
fuel rods and assemblies of the Rheinsberg nuclear power plant", Kernenergie 20 (1977) 98 (H. Graber, W. Hüttig, H. Günther, B. Schiff)
30. "Determination
of the contribution to fission of single fissionable isotopes in nuclear fuels",
Paper at the "Conference on Analytical Chemistry of Radioactive Elements", Moscow, Sept. 26-28, 1977 (H. Stephan)
31. "Investigations into uranium
and plutonium fissions by isotopic analysis of fission ruthenium.
I. Principle of the method and proving its applicability", Radiochem. Radioanal. Letters 28
(1977) 393 (H. Stephan)
28. "Burnup investigations on rods and assemblies of nuclear power reactor WWER-70 using a combination of destructive and non-destructive methods", Proc. 4th CMEA Symposium "Investigations in the Field of
Fuel Reprocessing", Karlovy Vary, March 28 -April 1, 1977, v. III, p. 80
(H. Graber, L. Baraniak, S. Hübener, G. Hofman, H.-C. Mehner, S. Nagel, H. Günther,)
32. "Investigation into the possibilities of determining
uranium and plutonium content of WWER type fuel for safeguards in connection with isotope correlation techniques", Proc. IAEA International Symposium on Nuclear Material Safeguards "Nuclear Safeguards Technology 1978", v. II, p. 733 ( IAEA, Vienna
1979) (H.-C. Mehner)
33. "Burnup determination methods for thermal and fast reactor fuels", Kernenergie 21 (1978) 201 and 366 (H. Graber) [also: Proc. 4th CMEA
Symposium "Investigations in the Field of Fuel Reprocessing" ( Plenary Lecture), Karlovy Vary, March 28 -April 1, 1977, v. I, p. 122]
34. "Extraction chromatographic separation of uranium and fission products in
the system di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid - hydrochloric acid.
I. Principles of the separation scheme and general considerations concerning extraction chromatographic separations",
J. Radioanalyt. Chem. 51 (1979) 253 (B. Suhr, B. Liebscher) [Paper at the 9th Radiochemical Conference, Piestany, Sept. 11-16, 1978]
35. "Isotopic correlations with gamma-active fission products for nuclear safeguards
of WWER type fuel",
J. Radioanalyt. Chem. 58 (1980) 101 (H.-C. Mehner) [Paper at the "2nd Meeting on Nuclear Analytical Methods", Dresden, March 19-23, 1979]
"Peak broadening due to reaction kinetics in extraction chromatography",
ZfK-422 (1980) p. 108 [Report of the Central Institute of Nuclear Research]
37. "Build-up of uranium and transuranium isotopes in fuels of the
WWER-70 type reactor",
Kernenergie 23 (1980) 177 (H. Stephan, S. Hübener, D. Nebel, S. Trebeljahr, U. Niese, F. Sus, E. Klosova)
[Proc. 4th CMEA Symposium "Investigations
in the Field of Fuel Reprocessing", Karlovy Vary, March 28 -April 1, 1977, v. III, p.144]
38. "Radiochemical Methods", Textbookfor
postgraduate students,
Technical University Dresden (1981) (R. Münze, H. Koch, G.-J. Beyer, R. Haberlandt)
39. "Comparison of burnup values obtained for a WWER fuel by radiometric and mass spectrometric methods",
Radiochem. Radioanal. Letters 40 (1981) 209 (J. Krtil, F. Sus)
40. "Application of the isotope correlation technique to the express determination of spent fuel parameters",
Proc. 5th CMEA Symposium "Investigations in the Field of Fuel Reprocessing and Radioactive Waste Disposal", Marianske Lazne, April 7-10, 1981, v. I, p. 244
41. "Stable isotopes of ruthenium and molybdenum as burnup monitors", Kernenergie
25 (1982) 426 (H. Stephan, G. Bell) [Proc. 5th CMEA Symposium "Investigations in the Field of Fuel Reprocessing and Radioactive Waste Disposal", Marianske Lazne, April 7-10, 1981, v. I, p.
42. "New possibilities in isotopic correlation analysis of spent nuclear fuels",
J. Radioanalyt. Chem. 80 (1983) 189 (R. Berndt) [Paper at the 10th Radiochemical
Conference, Marianske Lazne, April 26-30, 1982]
43. "Experience in and results of experimental investigations of spent nuclear fuel of WWER type",
Paper at the "10th Meeting of the International CMEA Group on Problems of
Physics of WWER reactors", Moscow, May 24-28, 1982 (H. Graber)
44. "On the separation of strontium from nuclear fuels on ammonium molybdatophosphate",
J. Radioanalyt. Chem. 83
(1984) 67 [Preprints of Papers "3rd Meeting on Nuclear Analytical Methods", Dresden, April 11-15, 1983, p. 238]
45. "Contribution to radioanalytical methods and their use for investigations into fission product - nuclear fuel systems",
DSc Thesis(German title: Dr. rer. nat. habil.),Technical University Dresden, 1984
46. "Determination of isotope ratios and concentrations
of uranium and plutonium in nuclear fuels",
Isotopenpraxis 21 (1985) 183 (U. Niese, H. Stephan, S. Hübener, S. Niese)
47. "The mother isotope of nuclear
fission U-235 - 50 years anniversary of the discovery", Isotopenpraxis 21 (1985) 237
48. "Overview on information gained from gamma-spectroscopic investigations
of fuel rods and solutions of spent nuclear fuel",
Plenary Lecture at the “Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale”, June, 1985, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
49. "Precision and systematics
in burnup dependencies of nuclide concentrations in WWER-440 type nuclear fuel according to experimental investigations and calculations", Kernenergie 29 (1986) 255 (W. Möller)
50. Patent: "Rough localization procedure of defective fuel assemblies during the operation of power reactors",
GDR patent WP G 21 C/298474
4 (1986) (H. Zänker, H. Günther)
51. "Build-up of uranium and plutonium isotopes in spent fuel of the WWER-440 type reactor",
Isotopenpraxis 23
(1987) 144 (H. Stephan, D. Nebel, G. Bell)
52. "On the use of neodymium isotopes in burnup analysis of spent nuclear fuel", Isotopenpraxis 24 (1988) 85
53."Isotopic correlations as a useful means of localizing defective fuel rods", Kernenergie 31 (1988) 243
54. "Determination of minor activities in reactor
cooling water and their importance in localizing defective fuel rods",
Report ZfK-645 (1988) 80 (W. Möller)
55. "Investigation into Am-Cm separation in connection with redox processes",
Proc. Int.
Solvent Extraction Conf. 1988, 18-24 July, 1988, Moscow, USSR
56. "The CMEA experiment on americium determination in spent nuclear fuel by alpha spectrometric isotope dilution analysis",
Report ZfK-645 (1988) 82
57. "Analytical investigations of spent nuclear fuel and their relations to reactor operation and nuclear safeguards",
Isotopenpraxis 25 (1988) 89 [
Plenary lectureat the 4th Meeting on Nuclear Analytical Methods, May 1987, Dresden, Germany]
58. "Burnup determination of nuclear fuel - standard method and alternative approach",
Lecture at the Fall Meeting
of the Swiss Chemical Society, 18 October, 1991, Bern (B. Wernli)
59. "Hydrogen determination and impedance spectroscopy in Gösgen Project - Post Irradiation Examination",
Report EPRI/NFIR-II-RP-11/04 (1992), EPRI,
Palo Alto, USA (H. Blank, G. Bart, O. Gebhardt)
60. "Zircaloy cladding hydriding and hydrogen uptake of NFIR Gösgen Project fuel rods",
Paper at the 21st NFIR Meeting, 22-24 April, 1992, Chester, UK
"Distribution of fission product and actinide isotopes in highly burnt-up uranium and uranium-plutonium fuel pins",
Paper at the 3rd International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 7-11 September, 1992, Vienna, Austria
(G. Bart, E.T. Aerne, H.P. Linder, R. Restani, H.U. Zwicky)
62. "X-ray diffractionanalysis of reactor grown oxide on Zircaloy-4",
Paper at the 22nd NFIR Meeting, 21-23 October, 1992, Palo Alto, USA (H. Blank, R. Pejsa)
63. "Investigation on the accumulation of lithium in corrosion layers on irradiated Zircaloy fuel rods by ICP-MS"
Paper at the 5th Surrey Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry, 4-6 June, 1993, Surrey, UK (B. Wernli,
G. Bart)
64. "Radial plutonium and fission product isotope profiles in mixed oxide fuel pins evaluated by secondary ion mass spectrometry",
Journal of Nuclear Materials 202
(1993) 65 (H.U. Zwicky, E.T. Aerne, H.A. Thomi, M. Lippens)
65. "Advanced analytical and experimental techniques for Zircaloy cladding characterization at PSI", OECD Halden Reactor Project Report HWR-367, 1994 [Paper at the Workshop
on Zircaloy Corrosion and Hydriding, October 15, 1993, Halden, Norway]
66. "PSI scope of work on fuel cladding integrity at high burnup", Paper at the 25th NFIR Meeting, 12-15 April, 1994, Toronto, Canada (G. Bart)
67. "Fission
gas investigations using Balzers Gas-Analysis-Module GAM-442",
Paper at the Meeting of the Topical Group "Nuclear Chemistry" of the German Chemical Society, 5-7 September, 1994, Berlin, Germany (A. Götz)
68. "Experimental
conditions of cladding integrity investigations: mechanical tests", Paper at the 26th NFIR Meeting, 25-28 October, 1994, Lyon, France [on Report EPRI/NFIR-III-RP-01/02, EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (G. Bart, H. Bruchertseifer, K. Krompholz)]
69. "Investigation
of corrosion films on zirconium based alloys by microscopic, mass spectrometric and electrochemical methods",
Materials Sciece Forum 192-194 (1995) 587 [Paper at the International
Conference on Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion Research (EMCR 94),
5-8 September, 1994, Lisboa, Portugal] (O. Gebhardt, M. Gehringer, T. Graber)
70. "Determination of lanthanides in uranium materials using high performance
liquid chromatographic separation and ICP-MS detection",
in "Recent Advances in Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry" (Ed. G. Holland), 28-35, 1994 [Paper at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry, 11-16 September, 1994,
Durham, UK (S. Röllin, Z. Kopajtic, G. Ledergerber)
71. "Experience in LWR post irradiation examination of fuel pins at PSI-Hotlaboratory", IAEA-TECDOC-822, 1995, 83-108
[Paper at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting
on Recent Developments of Post-Irradiation Examination Techniques for Water Reactor Fuel,
17-21 October, 1994, Cadarache, France] (G. Bart, H. Bruchertseifer, O. Gebhardt, R. Hofer, P. Schleuniger)
72. "Experimental preparations
and sampling plans for cladding integrity investigations",
Paper at the 27th NFIR Meeting, 25-28 April, 1995, Albany, Oregon, USA (G. Bart)
73. "Investigation of in-pile grown corrosion films on zirconium based alloys",
in "Proc. 11th International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry", 11-14 September, 1995, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,
ASTM STP-1295 (1996) 218 (O. Gebhardt, G. Bart, H. Blank, F. Garzarolli, I.L.F. Ray)
"Fuel cladding integrity at high burnups: sample preparations and test methods "
Paper at the 28th NFIR Meeting, November 1-3, 1995, Halden, Norway (G. Bart)
75. "Microscopic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analyses
of Zircaloy oxide films formed in highly concentrated LiOH solution",
Electrochimica Acta 41 (1996) 1181 (O. Gebhardt)
76. "Gösgen Project - post irradiation
Final Report EPRI-TR-105060 (1996), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (G. Bart, H. Blank, F. Garzarolli, O. Gebhardt, I.L.F. Ray)
77. "Fuel cladding integrity at high burnups: shipments and tests on non-irradiated
samples" Paper at the 29th NFIR Meeting, 23-26 April, 1996, Simsbury, Connecticut, USA [on Report EPRI/NFIR-III X103-01-03 (1996), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (H. Bruchertseifer)]
78. "Fuel cladding integrity at high burnups: sample preparation
and high temperature tensile tests on non-irradiated samples", Paper at the 30th NFIR Meeting, 22-25 October, 1996, Lucerne, Switzerland [on Report EPRI/NFIR-III X103-01-04 (1996), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (H. Bruchertseifer)]
79. "Experiments
to understand the corrosion process of fuel rod claddings",
PSI Annual Report 1996, Annex IV, 59-64, Paul Scherrer Institut, 1997 (F. Groeschel)
80. "Additional post-irradiation characterizations of Gösgen rods",
Final Report EPRI-TR-105060-Addendum (1997), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (F. Groeschel, S. Tao, I.L.F. Ray)
81. "Uniaxial tensile testing on reactor irradiated and archive hydrogen charged guide tube samples",
at the 31st NFIR Meeting, 22-25 April, 1997, Taejon, Korea [on Report EPRI/NFIR-III X103-01-05 (1997), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA]
82. "Mechanical properties of reactor irradiated guide tube samples and hydrogen charged archive fuel
cladding samples",
Paper at the 32nd NFIR Meeting, 14-17 October, 1997, Stockholm, Sweden
[on Report EPRI/NFIR-III X103-01-06 (1997), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (M. Martin, P. Pörschke)]
83. "Neutron radiography
of irradiated fuel rod segments at SINQ: loading, transfer and irradiation concept",
Paper at the 3rd International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography (ITMNR-3), 16-19 March, 1998, Lucerne, Switzerland
(F. Groeschel, E.
Lehmann, P. Schleuniger) [Proc. ITMNR-3, North-Holland, 1999, 215-220]
84. "Investigation of hydrogen distribution in oxidised zirconium alloys by thermo-release method", Proc. Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology ´98, Inforum
Verlag, 1998, 351 (H. Bruchertseifer, G. Bart, A.A. Schmakov, E.A. Smirnov, B.S. Rodchenkov, A.V. Subbotin)
85. "Burst properties of as-received and hydrogen charged archive fuel cladding samples", Paper at the 33rd NFIR
Meeting, 6-9 April, 1998, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA [on Report EPRI/NFIR-III X103-01-07 (1998), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (M. Martin, P. Pörschke, B. Hirt)]
86. "Behavior of uranium dioxide nuclear fuel in pressurized water reactor
at high burnup", Paper at the Meeting of the Topical Group "Nuclear Chemistry" of the German Chemical Society, 7-9 September, 1998, Dresden, Germany (D. Gavillet, T. Aerne, H.P. Linder, L.A. Nordström)
87. "A burst test facility
for irradiated fuel rod segments", Paper at the 1998 Plenary Meeting of the European Working Group "Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling",21-23 September, 1998, Windscale, UK (P. Pörschke, M. Martin, B. Hirt, F. Groeschel)
88. "Optimization
of the process for determining of fission gas release from reactor fuel pins", Paper at the 1998 Plenary Meeting of the European Working Group "Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling",21-23 September, 1998, Windscale, UK (P. Schleuniger, F. Groeschel)
89. "Burst properties of irradiated fuel cladding samples", Paper at the 34th NFIR Meeting, 3-6 November, 1998, Madrid, Spain
[on Report EPRI/NFIR-III X103-01-08 (1998), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (M. Martin, P. Pörschke)]
90. "Characterization of hydrogen in fuel rods - PSI NFIR-IV research project proposal",
Paper at the 35th NFIR Meeting, 20-23 April, 1999, Stevenson, Washington, USA (G. Bart, F. Groeschel, A. Hiltpold)
91. "Burst
properties of reactor irradiated and archive hydrogen charged fuel cladding samples",
Paper at the 35th NFIR Meeting, 20-23 April, 1999, Stevenson, Washington, USA
92. "Synthesis of mechanical test results
gained on guide tubes at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, and at the Institute for Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan", Paper at the 36th NFIR Meeting, 19-22 October, 1999, La Rochelle, France
93. "Fuel cladding integrity
at high burnups: PSI final report summary and key results",
Paper at the 36th NFIR Meeting, 19-22 October, 1999, La Rochelle, France
94. "PSI phased approach to hydrogen characterization in cladding",
Paper at the 36th NFIR Meeting, 19-22 October, 1999, La Rochelle, France (G. Bart, F. Groeschel)
95. "Verifying fuel rod behavior by post-irradiation investigations and experiments", Paper at the Meeting of the Working Group
„Fuel Rods and Core Components“, 29 February -1 March 2000, Karlsruhe, Germany, (G. Bart, D. Gavillet, F. Groeschel)
96. "Hydrogen distribution between fuel cladding metal and overlying corrosion layers", Proc. 2000
Int. Topical Meeting on LWR Fuel Performance, Park City, Utah, USA, April 10-13, 2000, vol. I, p. 372 (H. Wiese, R. Bühner, M. Steinemann, G. Bart)
97. "Effect of localized hydride accumulations on Zircaloy cladding mechanical
Paper at the 37th NFIR Meeting, April 14-18, 2000, Monterey, California, USA (G. Bart, F. Groeschel)
98. "Fuel cladding integrity at high burnup, Part 1: Hydraulic burst tests and tensile tests on large samples",
Report EPRI TR-108753-P1, 2000, EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (P. Poerschke, M. Martin, S. Yagnik)
99. "Neutron-radiographic detection of hydrogen in fuel rod claddings", Paper at the 5th Int. Conference on Nuclear and
Pontresina, Switzerland, September 3-8, 2000 [Proc. vol.I, 267] (E. Lehmann, P. Vontobel)
100. "Developing a method for fractionated hydrogen determination in fuel cladding samples", Paper at the 2000 Meeting
of the European Working Group "Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling", September 27-29, 2000, PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
(H. Wiese, R. Bühner, M. Steinemann,G. Bart)
101. "Recent experience in high burn-up fuel pin puncturing",
Paper at the 2000 Meeting of the European Working Group „Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling“, September 27-29, 2000, PSI, Villigen, Switzerland (P. Schleuniger)
102. "Approach and plan forward on effect of localized
hydride accumulations on Zircaloy cladding mechanical properties",
Paper at the 38th NFIR Meeting, November 15-17, 2000, Nara, Japan, [NFIR-X104/Hydrogen_PSI/H03 (2000)].
103. "Characterization of fuel rod SO-028 for
project <Effect of Localized Hydride Accumulations on Zircaloy Cladding Mechanical Properties>" , Paper at the 39th NFIR Meeting, April 3-5, 2001, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
[on Report EPRI/NFIR-IV X104-02-02 (2001), EPRI,
Palo Alto, USA (H. Wiese, E. Lehmann)]
104. "Ductility degradation of irradiated fuel cladding",
PSI Scientific Report 2000, Vol. IV, 95-103, Paul Scherrer Institut, 2001 (M. Martin, P. Pörschke, S. Yagnik)
105. "Characterization of hydrogen distribution in fuel rod claddings", Proc. Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2001, 15-17 May 2001, Dresden, Germany, p. 403-406 (G. Bart, R. Brütsch, D. Gavillet, F. Groeschel, E.
Lehmann, H. Wiese)
106. "Effect of localized hydride accumulations on Zircaloy cladding mechanical properties – detailed investigation of NFIR-III burst samples by neutron radiography",
Report NFIR-IV/EPRI X104-02-03,
September 2001, EPRI, Palo Alto, USA, (E. Lehmann, P. Schleuniger, H. Schweikert, P. Vontobel)
107. "New findings in determining fission gas release of fuel rods", Paper at the Meeting of the Topical Group "Nuclear Chemistry" of
the German Chemical Society, 23-25 September, 2001, Würzburg, Germany (R. Bühner, P. Schleuniger, S. Kraft)
108. "Investigations on activated components of nuclear power plants by means of neutrons ", Proc. Workshop
on the Use of Neutron Radiography, May 14, 2001, Villigen, Switzerland, p. 60 (F. Groeschel)
109. "Investigation of the hydrogen accumulation in the cladding material of nuclear fuel by neutron radiography",
PSI Scientific
and Technical Report 2001, Vol. VI, p. 83, Paul Scherrer Institut, 2001 (E. Lehmann, G. Frei, M. Estermann)
110. "Thermal behavior of hydrogen in Zircaloy corrosion layers ",
Journal of Nuclear Materials 302 (2002) 217
111. "Neutron radiography of NFIR burst specimens and the effect of hydride lenses on local strain", Paper at the 41st NFIR Meeting, April 16-19, 2002,
San Francisco, California, USA
[on Report EPRI/NFIR-IV X104-02-04 (2002), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (D. Kuster, H. Wiese, E. Lehmann, H. Schweikert)]
112. "Fuel rod puncturing and fission gas analysis: improvements in equipment
and methodology", Proc. Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2002, 14-16 May 2002, Stuttgart, Germany, p. 331-334 (R. Bühner, P. Schleuniger)
113. "Effect of localized hydride accumulations on Zircaloy cladding mechanical
properties – Completing Task 1 and starting new burst tests on irradiated fuel cladding specimens",
Paper at the 42nd NFIR Meeting, October 21-25, 2002, Baden, Switzerland, [NFIR-X104-02/H04 (2002)].
114. "New
burst tests on irradiated cladding specimens",
Paper at the 43rd NFIR Meeting, May 6-8, 2003, Albany, Oregon, USA, [NFIR-X104-02/H05 (2003)].
115. "Effect of hydrogen on ductility of fuel cladding",
Proc. Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2003, 20-22 May 2003, Berlin, Germany, pp. 277-280 (G. Bart, M. Martin, P. Pörschke, S.K. Yagnik)
116. "Task 1 results and progress in performing new burst tests",
EPRI/NFIR-IV X104-02-05 (2003), EPRI, Palo Alto, USA (R. Brütsch, H. Wiese, E. Lehmann, H. Schweikert, P. Pörschke)
117. "Post-test metallography on irradiated burst test fuel cladding specimens",
Paper at
the 44th NFIR Meeting, November 4-6, 2003, Lyon, France, [NFIR-X104-02/H06 (2003)] (D. Gavillet, T. Rebac)
118. "Non-Destructive Analysis of Nuclear Fuel by Means of Thermal and Cold Neutrons", Nucl. Instr. & Meth.
In Physics Research, A515 (2003), pp. 745-759 (E. Lehmann, P.Vontobel)
119. "Effect of localized hydride accumulations on Zircaloy cladding mechanical properties – Investigations on irradiated fuel cladding",
at the 45th NFIR Meeting, May 5-7, 2004, Studsvik, Nykoping, Sweden, [NFIR-X104-02/H07 (2004)].
120. "Experimental arrangements for tensile testing on irradiated tubing samples",
Proc. Annual Meeting on Nuclear
Technology 2004, 25-27 May 2004, Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 267-270 (G. Bart, S.K. Yagnik)
121. "Ductility of Zircaloy fuel cladding at high burnup",
in "Proc. 14th International Symposium on Zirconium in the
Nuclear Industry", 13-17 June, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden
ASTM STP-1467 (2006) pp. 604-631 (S.K. Yagnik, R.-C. Kuo),
also: Journal of ASTM International, May 2005, Vol. 2, No. 5 (Paper ID JAI12423)
122. "Effect of localized
hydride accumulations on Zircaloy cladding mechanical properties",
Final Report EPRI/NFIR-X104-02-06 (2004), Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, USA, (R. Brütsch, D. Gavillet, E. Lehmann, P. Pörschke,
T. Rebac, S.K. Yagnik)
123. "Effect of local hydride accumulations on cladding mechanical properties"
in "Proc. 15th International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry", 24-28 June, 2007, Sunriver, Oregon, USA,
ASTM STP-1505 (2008) pp. 141-162 (S.K. Yagnik, D. Gavillet),
also: Journal of ASTM International, November 2007, Vol. 4, No. 10 (Paper ID JAI101143)
124. "Autoclave corrosion of Zircaloy-4 cladding samples in LiOH solutions",
PSI Report 10-02 (March 2010), Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
125. "Oxidation and hydrogen uptake",
Paper at the Meeting of the Swiss Fuel Advisory Group, October 19, 2010, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232
Villigen PSI, Switzerland
(S. Abolhassani, H. Wiese, C. Proff, G. Ledergerber)
126. "Corrosion and hydrogen uptake in Zirconium claddings irradiated in light water reactors"
in "Proc. 17th International Symposium
on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry", 3-7 February, 2013, Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, India,
ASTM STP-1543 (2015) pp. 540-573
[online: <DOI: 10.1520/STP154320130007>] (S. Abolhassani, G.
Bart, J. Bertsch, M. Grosse, L. Hallstadius, G. Kuri, G. Ledergerber, C. Lemaignan, M. Martin, S. Portier, C. Proff, R. Restani, S. Valance, S. Valizadeh, H. Wiese),
127. "On the condition of UO2 nuclear fuel irradiated in a PWR to a burn-up
in excess of 110 MWd/kgHM",
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 481 (2016) 88
(R. Restani, M. Horvath, W. Goll, J. Bertsch, D. Gavillet, M. Martin, C.T. Walker),
128. "Towards an improved understanding of the mechanisms
involved in the increased hydrogen uptake and corrosion at high burnups in zirconium based claddings"
in "Proc. 19th ASTM International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry", 19-23 May, 2019, the
Midland, Manchester, UK.
ASTM STP-1622 (2021) pp. 435-466
[online: <DOI: 10.1520/STP154320130007>] (S. Abolhassani, A. Baris, R. Vanta, J. Hawes, R. Grabherr, A.Colldeweih, R.
Restani, J. Bertsch, M. Chollet, G. Kuri, M.Martin, S. Portier, H. Wiese, H. Schweikert, G. Bart, K. Ammon, G. Ledergerber, M. Limbäck),
General Books
"Aniels Flucht durch ganz Europa" (in German, Biography ["Aniels Escape through whole Europe"]):
From birth in Bessarabia on the Black See via West Prussia, the German Democratic Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany to Switzerland.
Published 2020 by: BoD - Books on Demand, Norderstedt. ISBN: 9783752894561